Confidence Booster
Ola familia!
Hope everything is well with all of you! This past week flew by, and guess what!! I´m, at 5 months on the 10th!! Already! I can´t believe how fast the mission is going. I feel like time is slipping through my hands and I don´t have enough!!!! I really love the mission. I can´t explain it, but I love everything about it. I love teaching and walking and finding and all the mission things. Ok I don´t love walking, but it means that I can find new people to bring the joy of the gospel to, so I love it. This week I had a cool experience while teaching.
Throughout my life, I have always struggled with feelings of inadequacy. I would try so hard, but I felt that it was never enough. These feelings were tripled last transfer. I felt like I was constantly disappointing myself, my companion, and sometimes, even God. It was hard, I never received praise from my comp; my testimony was criticized to the bone, and only heard what I was doing wrong. I didn´t have the courage to speak, because I was afraid of messing up. But the other day, we were teaching the Restoration to a family, and I just taught. I didn´t think about what I was going to say at all. I didn´t stutter, there were no awkward pauses, and the spirit was strong. I realized in that moment that the Spirit was putting words in my mouth. The only confidence I need to have is in that I am the Lord´s instrument, and so the Spirit will guide me in all that I need to say. The Lord says in Matthew 10:19 take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. And I have a testimony that this is true. I know that we are children of God, and that He loves us more than we can imagine. I have had the opportunity on the mission to feel only a small part of the love God has for His children, and it is very strong, let me tell you. I know that He will guide us in all things, we have only to seek for His guidance.
Amo vocês, Boa semana!!
Sister Evans