Revelation is Cool!
Alo pessoal!
General Conference was awesome wasn´t it?? As we were inviting people to come with a question in mind, and promising that it would be answered there, I decided to try it out myself. I discussed with Heavenly Father the questions I had, and asked for answers during conference. My main question was how I can develop an unrelenting desire to do the Lord´s will, along with others about how I can be fearless, and use the power of Christ in my teaching. My answers came in a talk that had nothing to do with my questions. I literally don´t remember what the speaker actually talked about, i only wrote what the Spirit was telling me, and it was incredible, and yet, very simple.
“Learn to love Christ.´´
Learn to love Christ? I already loved Him, and He knows that. I´m serving a mission for Him, doesn´t that prove my love? I then found myself in the apostle Peter´s place when Christ asks him 3 times if he loves him, and Peter responds every time with “Of course I love you, and you know it, because you know all things!´´ And the only thing Christ says:
“Feed my sheep.´´
My answer was clear. Love Christ, love the people, and love to serve. But how do I develop that love for Christ? By studying Him and His life, I will grow to love Him more than ever before, and develop the desire to be like Him. When I love Him, I will have the desire to be completely obedient, and to serve Him and His children. When I am obedient and have the desire to serve, He will give me His power to do so, as effectively as possible. Feeling Him with me, I will do everything in my power to stay with Him always. And, as it is Christ´s power, not mine, I will be fearless, just like Him.
I testify that as we study Christ, and strive to be like Him, we will be able to see the world as He does, and His will will become ours. I know that my Redeemer lives, and because He lives, so can we. I know that we are never alone, because He knows exactly how we feel, and exactly how to help us– we just have to let Him. Stay strong. He loves you, no matter what. 🙂
And I love you too!!!!!
Boa semana!!!
Sister Evans