Condemnation or Salvation?
This week was pretty great. We had been teaching this older man, Benedito, all week, and was going great. He knows a lot about the Bible, which is cool. He has been reading the Book of Mormon and praying to know if the church is true, and he said he believes everything, and he knows he needs to be baptized in the church of Jesus Christ, but he has this huge doubt about having a second baptism. He thinks if he is baptized again, he will be condemned, because of a part in the bible that says there is only one baptism. buuuut if he is baptized in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints, and it turns out to be the wrong church, i will be the one condemned. in Galations 1:8, the apostle Paul says, But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach anyother gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. So basically if we are teaching anything other that what Christ taught, we will be condemned and accursed. I have complete certainty that what i am preaching is the true gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that His church has been restored to the earth in these says, in preparation for His second coming. I am willing to risk being condemned and accursed, because i cannot deny that this church is true. I know it to be true with every part of my soul. I invite you, if you do not know, or have doubts if the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is actually Christ´s church, to pray to know the truth. Read the Book of Mormon, ponder on the things that are written, and pray to know if it is true. And i promise you, as a representative of Jesus Christ, that God will answer you by way of the Holy Spirit. because by the power of the Holy Spirit, ye may know the truth of all things.