Last Week in Pilar

Last Week in Pilar

 [Short & sweet- must be busy packing up. As she’s going into winter there I asked about weather & told her how crazy ours has been w/lots of storms.  She said it’ll be hot & humid in the day then rain hard at night. They even had hail & everyone thought the world was ending. Now the temp is 40-50 degrees & she loves it, of course.]

So I found out I’m being transferred tomorrow!! I´m going to Eden, just outside of Sorocaba, and my companion is from New Zealand!! I don´t remember her name it´s really hard. I´m super sad to leave Pilar do Sul because I have so many people I love here. It was especially hard to say goodbye to Benedito, my RC. I cried, and I don´t ever cry. 😥 But I have to keep going to keep growing. It´s hard, but necessary. 

This week Vivian was baptized! This girl is literally pure gold! She is incredible. She started doing personal progress before her baptism even! she´s 17 and is becoming an amazing woman. I don´t know what I did to deserve to baptize her. 

I am so grateful to have served in Pilar, I will miss everyone here so much it hurts help me. But on to the next chapter. 2017 LORD´S TRIP WE´RE GOIN BIG!!!! 

I know that this church is true, and I know that we can live again with our families and friends in the life to come. I know that we are never alone in our difficulties because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and because He has felt everything, and has paid for everything, so we have no need to dwell on the past, but can look and press forward with faith in Him. I love this gospel, and love you all too!!! 

Boa semana!!!

Sister Evans

Benedito’s Baptism with Daniel

Happy 20th Birthday- package was 6 weeks late but better late then never

Best Chicken & Rice casserole by Tatiane

Yummy Jello too!

Best food ever! Thank you Tatiane

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