I miss SpongeBob. A lot.
And also that time flies. I will have 9 months next week and I don´t know what to think. Halfway?? How did that even happen? Next week I’ll tell yáll bout what I’ve learned so far on the mish.
Buuuut, this week was okay… we worked hard but only 2 people went to church, and no one was baptized. I sat there thinking during sacrament about what we missed, and I felt that the only thing impeding our success is our diligence in obedience. I honestly had started to think that just working hard would give fruits, but boy was I wrong. We are doing really well with working with members, knocking doors, talking to everyone, but it´s the little things, like leaving the house a couple minutes late, or staying in the member´s houses a couple minutes over the hour, little things that impede the blessings of the lord. Sunday afternoon, we made a goal and a promise with the Lord to be exactly obedient, and guess what? Adam and Aline (who cut us last Sunday) had the answer they were waiting for. Adam had dream about the church, and several members, and the missionaries. And now, he knows it´s all true, and we will be working with them again this week to be baptized as soon as possible. I see this as a blessing from the Lord from just making the commitment. If this is the reward for just making the promise, imagine the reward when we fulfill the promise!!!! I am filled with gratitude for the Lord, and am very humbled. This is His work, not mine, and if I want to have success, I have to play by His rules, which works out great because He made the game, and knows how to win.
We can apply this outside the mission field as well. We need to do the little things that he asks of us. Daily scripture study, daily prayer, go to church every Sunday, serve others, little things. Look for opportunities to be better every day. He already knows how to do everything, and the outcome of any choice you make, so just go to him and he´ll guide you along the way, to have the best ending possible. He´ll always give you guidance, because you are his child and He loves you deeply. Don´t abandon Him, because He will never abandon you.
Hope you´re all doing well, love and pray for you!!! Boa semana!!!!!
Love, Sister Evans
p.s. I forgot my camera so pics next week! Sorry!
Sister Evans
Church in Eden