I’m Melting
So, while you guys are up there freezing, I’m down here melting and getting fried. It´s like making fried cheese. The outside fries and the inside melts. Here they make little cheese balls that are fried and it´s so good. But not when you are the little cheese ball. I’m sorry if this doesn´t make sense… the sun messes with the head a bit.
But anyway this week was great. We worked a lot and sweated a lot and stuff, and also had an investigator that kinda likes my companion a little and wants to change his life but doesn´t think he´s ready to. Which is a lie. And lies come from where? Exactly. Sometimes the battle is hard when the enemy is invisible.
Anyway, idk what else to write….. umm… CHRISTMAS IS COMING and it feels nothing like Christmas because it´s hot and I’m working and I’m not with my family. But it´s better that way because if it was cold and I wasn´t working, I would get sad and miss my family. But that´s not going to happen hahahahaaaaa jk love you guys.
I hope you all are studying about Jesus Christ because He is so awesome and incredible and we could all be more like Him.
I love this area because it has a little bit of everything. rich people, poor people, middle class people, a mall, a favela, houses made of leftover pieces of wood, etc. I love the people here and have a burning desire to help all of them.
There´s so many people here who need the gospel in their lives. If people knew about and really understand Jesus Christ´s Atonement… I can´t even explain how it would change things. The depth of His sacrifice is hard to understand, but when you study and pray about how you can understand and use it better, you will change as a person. I have been studying the Atonement, and yesterday at church we had a class that just brought everything together for me. I know that Christ is my Savior that He knows me, and you, and everyone individually, and because he LOVES us, we can return to the arms of our Father in Heaven. I love my Redeemer, and my Father in Heaven, and am so grateful for the opportunity I have to become so much closer to them that I ever thought I would be able to.
Fica firme (Stay strong)!!!!! Boa semana!!
Sister Evans
here is a trail that leads down into a little creek/canal and into a favela… yes we went there

A picture I drew