I Ran Out of Subject Lines
You know those weeks when almost everything falls apart and you don´t know what to do but cry? This week was one of those weeks. But we still were able to baptize Bryan, a 9 year old kid whose brothers and sister are active in the church but his parent’s aren´t. the kids all go to church together without the parents. The baptism was beautiful, his mom cried. They´re a great family, I hope they stay strong.
We had leadership council meeting this week, which was fun. We ate pizza for lunch. It talked a lot about how we need to work with and love others– members and missionaries. So I’m praying for that love and trying to see others through Christ´s eyes.
But I know that even during the difficult times, this is the Lord´s work, and that there has to be opposition in all things in order for us to progress and even to be happy. If we were never sad, we would never know what happiness feels like. I know that Christ´s restored church is here upon the earth, and that we have a living prophet to guide and direct us in our lives so we can return to our Heavenly Father. He lives!!!!
Love you all, boa semana!!!!!
Sister Evans