LOL One More Letter
so this week was great! we followed up with our three firm investigators and they were all baptized this week!!!!! it was beautiful!!!! they were all soo prepared to accept the gospel. i know tht God tests our faith but then blesses us and leads us to his elect children and strenghtens them and allows us to be a part of a pivotal moment in their lives. it really is beautiful. i know that this Gospel is the gospel of Jesus Christ. i am so grateful to have gone through everything that i have on my mission. i know that God lives and love all of His children. i know that there has to be opposition in our lives for us to progress, or there would be no purpose in us being here. i know that everything happens for a reason. i know that we are a work in progress, and that God is refining us and shaping us to be something incredibly beautiful. it´s like a metal worker refining silver. he keeps working the silver and keeps it in the fire until he knows it´s ready. and he knows it´s ready when he is able to see in the silver his own reflection. i know that our goal is to become like Jesus Christ, and that we all have divine potential.
amo vocês!!!! boa semana!!!!