Ch-Ch- Ch- Changeeesss
Regarding the subject: I miss Shrek. (10 points to whoever can guess which movie)
This week was beautiful. Maria Clara was confirmed a member of the Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Ultimos Dias yesterday. It was so wonderful, she is so happy. Love that girl. We also baptized José Carlos yesterday too, which was awesome, he was basically bouncing off the walls. His wife passed away around 5 months ago, and we had the privilege of teaching him the plan that God has for His children, and that he will be able to see his wife again, and also be sealed to her for eternity. Also, this guy we invited on the street came to church yesterday (which never happens, btw), and we visited him later that day and he said he´d pray to know if the church is true. He already prays regularly asking for direction, which is pretty cool. When we invited him, he said he´d go to church if God permitted (which usually means no), and yesterday he showed up at church and we talked to him and he said “God permitted, so I came.´´ Miracle.
I was thinking the other day about how much I’ve changed on the mission. I feel like a different person sometimes, but then I think, no, I’m the same person, just a little bit better than before. Sometimes I get caught up in thinking that I have to be the perfect missionary. Teach perfectly, speak perfectly, you know. But what I learned this week, is that it´s not about me. I am merely God´s instrument he uses to bring His other children unto him. I´ll never be Superwoman (no matter how hard I wish to be), but I can be perfected in Christ. I´m working hard on giving everything to him, so He can shape me to be who I’m meant to be. Only He knows our full potential.
I know that Christ lives, and that because of Him, we can be perfected one day, and live with Him and our Heavenly Father, and our families forever.
Amo vocês!!!!!!
Also I am sorry about the lack of pictures, I am currently unable to add pics because of the computer place, I don´t know what to do. I have pics, and I promise the moment I am able to send them, I will send them.
Sister Evans