It’s a Girl!
That´s right my friends, 9 months and now I have a daughter!! (Which means I’m training a new missionary.) It´s funny to me how that worked out. I’m kinda really scared. I don´t even get to practice by finishing someone´s training, she is literally fresh out of the MTC and I am her first experience in the mission field. Help. Me. the pressure is officially on. I hope she´ll like me.
But anyway, sorry about my emails the last few weeks, they really have been horrendously short. But hey, I’m not perfect. But this week I’ve been thinking and studying a lot, and I’ve learned a few things. Holy cow I am a different person. I have learned to trust in the Lord in everything, and found that it usually works out. I finally figured out how faith works, and have been able to use it in the work. I’ve been repenting everyday with real intent, and it seriously makes a difference when I really notice what I did wrong, confess to Him that I recognized it, and ask for forgiveness, and strength to not make the same mistake again. It really pays off and He´s been blessing us like crazy. I feel like I don´t deserve the blessings, but I have them so might as well take advantage of them right? I’ve also been praying harder, and evaluating myself and my day in my prayers. Life is easier when you talk about it who knows everything. I ask for counsel in what I need to do better, and for strength to carry out His will. Guys, it works.
It´s really because of a scripture that has the formula to a successful life. Alma 26:22
Yea, he that repenteth and exerciseth faith, and bringeth forth good works, and prayeth continually without ceasing—unto such it is given to know the mysteries of God; yea, unto such it shall be given to reveal things which never have been revealed; yea, and it shall be given unto such to bring thousands of souls to repentance, even as it has been given unto us to bring these our brethren to repentance.
This literally gives the formula to life.
Repentance + Faith + Good Works + Prayer = Successful life (know the mysteries of God)
That´s it guys. Have an evaluation of yourself daily in prayer. Repent sincerely, have faith that God will help you in all things, and serve others. Serving other does not always mean weeding your neighbor´s garden; it also means sharing the gospel with people, because you´re literally giving them the opportunity to live with God and their families for eternity. That´s the best kind of service. Seriously. Use this formula. Study the scriptures and pray with fervor and it will all be okay. Btw this formula is the first thing that our new President passed to us. He´s great.
But anyway, I love and miss you all, but I may love missionary work more. I know Jesus Christ is our Savior, and that we are able to be happy even during trials and difficulties. Remember that you are loved. REPENT AND HAVE FAITH AND DO YOUR PART!!! And also write me emails I think that also helps your eternal salvation as well.
Love y´all! BOA SEMANA!!
Sister Evans