A Semana Que Voou (The Week That Flew)
This week really flew by. Time is flying by. Which is weird because I got sick this week. For the first time in my entire mission I got sick. I literally was unable to speak for 2 days straight. I completely lost my voice. But it´s okay, I’m better now.
This week we decided to be creative and we went and played my ukulele in park and invited people to church. It was fun and worked well. And then I lost my voice ha-ha. But this same day we found a ton of new people which was greatly needed as I would be out of it the rest of the week. (God knows what he´s doing) but yeah. Then we contacted this guy Carlos who already read the book of Mormon in its entirety, and he is a reference form the stake president. I’m excited to work with him and his family. Speaking of families, we are finding a lot of people who have great potential, but aren´t married and live together. So I guess we´ll be planning a bunch of weddings this transfer.
It´s getting harder for me to write things in my journal, so if anyone has ideas of what would help, that would be wonderful.
I’m in a weird but cool phase in my mission where I finally know how to do things, but also I’m trying to learn to do more things, and better, and I realize that I don´t have much time, which gives me this huge desire to just focus everything on the work. It´s like, it´s now or never, this is the only time I will ever try so hard to get people to church in my life, so just go for it.
I know that this church is true, that the restored gospel of Jesus Christ exists on this earth today. I know that only through faith on the Lord, repentance, baptism and the receiving of the Holy Ghost by the authority of the priesthood, and enduring until the end can we return to live with our Father in Heaven. I know that He is perfect, and wants us to be like Him, and has prepared a way for us to be like Him. The journey may seem long, but it really just flies by. Take advantage of the time you have. These are the last days. I know this because I am seeing the signs, and I’m working hard to make sure the end gets here faster, because the Lord will not come until every creature has heard His name. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE THE DAY OF YOUR REPENTANCE. TODAY IS THE DAY OF OUR SALVATION.
Boa Semana
Sister Evans

Creative contacting in the park
Lots of stairs…