Plane Ride
the plane ride to sao paulo was the worst thing of my life ever except
for i sat next to this really nice brazillian man who helped me learn
portuguese and told me a bit about the city. the food tasted okay but
it literally took me a whole week for my bowel system to recover. i
must have just walked too slow, plus i got a little lost. yeah i
actually haave never felt so much peace ever before as during that
incident. it was a great blessing. elder hall and i just explored the
whole atlanta airport, it was actually pretty fun haha. we basically
have it memorized. it was definitley to learn a lesson. i think it was
to show me that the lord keeps his promises, especially in blessings.
at least that~s what i~ve got for now. yeah i didn~t feel i should
call you either. it~s all good. the church travel got us a hotel and
so we stayed there for the night and went back to the airport in the
morning. that~s funny elder hall~s mom emailed you haha. he~s pretty
grea. we still make jokes at eachother about missing class and stuff.
ALSO the plane to salt lake and atlanta i sat by the same people! they
are an older couple from teneesee and were so nice. they definitly
were sent by god, they were christian, and they told me a bit about
their religion because i had told them i was a missionary for the lds
church. they also gave me some wheat thins because i actually had to
check my carry on bag in salt lkae to atlanta because they ran out of
overhead space. so i didn~t have any clothes or anything with me wehen
we muissed the plane. ONTO THE CTM it~s been pretty great here. the
food is delicuios, and i have been drinking guarana like nectar. the
rice and beans is actually pretty good, and my system is doing okay as
well. my companion is sister schultz. she is so great!! she loves
people so easily and is the sweetest thing. i love her. we have three
other brasilera roomates, they are a trio. it is so fun, we tach them
ingles prases and they teach us portugues phrases. its a party todos
os dias. my district is awesome too. it~s all elders except for sister
schultz and i. but they~re cool. except for one. but i~m
learning/praying to love him. I AM ACTUALLY KIND OF OKAY AT PORTUGUESE
like i surprised myself. i speak pretty well, and i can kind of
understand brasileros if i really try and they talk kind of slow. it
has been so fun. we ewent to the temple today, it~s beautiful. ALSO i
love brasilian enchiladas, sorry mom and dad. i have so many pictures
to sen d you but i left my camera in my room because we~re going out
after this and i only have 45 min to email and we can~t have cameras
in the city because people literally run up and steal them out of your
hands. like they sit and watch you with binoculars and then go for it.
so… yeah. anyway i~ll get those to you next week. ALSO sorry for all
the typos it physically hurts me but we have a very short span of time
and this keyboard is in portuguese. i just want you all to know that i
love you so much, and that through the lord, we can have not only
peace, but strength. eu se que e verdade. love you guys! Sister
Evans also i forgot to tell you we have an inverstigator who i s
our instrutor and it~s freakin hard. i do not know how to teach people
the gospel please pray for me AHHHH