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Category: July 2017

Getting Back on Track

Getting Back on Track

Well, this week was a lot better than the last. Except for that it rained the. Entire. Week. I ran out of dry shoes… it´s fine. But it was good, we´re getting better. There´s something that I noticed that happens to me, which shouldn´t, because it also happened all throughout the Book of Mormon AND the Bible. Which is this: we do really well for a few weeks. Weeks super productive, lots of blessings, strong spirit, etc. and then, one week we didn´t do everything in our power, or I didn´t serve with everything that I have, and it shows for the next couple weeks. Then, we gotta figure out what we did wrong, or what we could have done better, and fix it up. And then the next week is great again. This cycle is really annoying and I wish that I was not so human so it would stop happening. But it won´t until I learn to make it stop. It´s funny because the scriptures warn us about this very cycle. AND YET. But it´s okay, I’m learning, and trying to avoid it. 

But guys I seriously love being a missionary. never again in my life will I spend worrying my pants off about how we are going pick up 10 people to go to church on foot. Never again will I be called SEESTER. Never again will I have the authority to call people to repentance and bring them to the truth. “Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.´´ 3 Nephi 5:13

I’m trying my best to take advantage of every moment, because it´s going really fast. Sometimes I slip into the cycle again, but I’m learning to avoid it, so that I can do the most good that I can, and let God shape me into who He wants me to be as much as possible. 

But I know that we are children of a loving Heavenly Father, and He loves us more that we can even imagine. I know that because of Jesus Christ, we are able to be cleansed of our sins and become like Him. This is the Church of Jesus Christ, how He established and organized it in ancient times. There is no other way to eternal happiness. In the end, the Lord´s way is easier. Because His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. So follow Him. The journey is long, and our feet get heavy, but the path is straight, and leads us directly to Him. We just gotta stay on it. 


Sister Evans

Another gorgeous sunset
Rain all week!
Oh man the food here…

Brazilian food is amazing!
This is the life

Brazilian BBQ
Strawberry cheesecake Brazilian style

Rain all week but the beautiful flowers brighten life up


I Don’t Know What To Do With all These Blessings!

I Don’t Know What To Do With all These Blessings!

This week was quite a week. 

So, my companion is super cute, she´s from Paraguay! She´s super excited and optimistic, and is really helping me a lot. I love her so much, and I love working with her. We´re working our butts off these days. I’ve actually never been so tired in my life. Every day this week we got home and every part of me was exhausted. I question how I will be able to get up and work the next day, but I just do. 

The formula I passed you all last week is incredible. We are using it in every possible moment, sharing it with members, recent converts, less actives, investigators, everythinggggg. Guys, it´s legit. The scriptures are amazing. The Book of Mormon is true, and Hattians are golden. 

Seriously, I think I was supposed to serve in Haiti. But this is close enough. It´s actually wonderful. The Hattians are a wonderful people. They love God, love to learn, and love Americans (score!) especially when they try to speak Creole (double score!) and it´s so fun. I think I have more friends from Haiti than the United States now. We´re planning to start a class in church in Creole to help them understand the doctrine better, and learn Portuguese at the same time. 

I really am feeling myself grow spiritually (and physically because the food here in Eden is great) and I am learning to completely trust in the Lord. I literally just work my butt off, and if I make a mistake I repent immediately and sincerely. always keep a prayer in your heart, use your faith by doing your part and trusting that the Lord will do His, serve others by sharing the gospel (aka giving them the opportunity to live with God and their families forever, and to be happy even during difficulties) and ALWAYS repent. When we constantly recognize our mistakes and sincerely want to be better, we are being humble and meek. And remember that scripture: blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit the earth. That´s not an exaggeration (sp?). I literally feel like I’m inheriting the earth with all the blessings we´re having. Guys it works I’m serious use the formula to success in ALMA 26:22 AND YOU SHALL PROSPER IN THE LAND. 


Sister Evans

New companion Sister Benitez from Paraguay
Beautiful Brazilian sunset


It’s a Girl!

It’s a Girl!

That´s right my friends, 9 months and now I have a daughter!!  (Which means I’m training a new missionary.) It´s funny to me how that worked out. I’m kinda really scared. I don´t even get to practice by finishing someone´s training, she is literally fresh out of the MTC and I am her first experience in the mission field. Help. Me. the pressure is officially on. I hope she´ll like me. 

But anyway, sorry about my emails the last few weeks, they really have been horrendously short. But hey, I’m not perfect. But this week I’ve been thinking and studying a lot, and I’ve learned a few things.  Holy cow I am a different person. I have learned to trust in the Lord in everything, and found that it usually works out. I finally figured out how faith works, and have been able to use it in the work. I’ve been repenting everyday with real intent, and it seriously makes a difference when I really notice what I did wrong, confess to Him that I recognized it, and ask for forgiveness, and strength to not make the same mistake again. It really pays off and He´s been blessing us like crazy. I feel like I don´t deserve the blessings, but I have them so might as well take advantage of them right? I’ve also been praying harder, and evaluating myself and my day in my prayers. Life is easier when you talk about it who knows everything. I ask for counsel in what I need to do better, and for strength to carry out His will. Guys, it works. 

It´s really because of a scripture that has the formula to a successful life. Alma 26:22

Yea, he that repenteth and exerciseth faith, and bringeth forth good works, and prayeth continually without ceasing—unto such it is given to know the mysteries of God; yea, unto such it shall be given to reveal things which never have been revealed; yea, and it shall be given unto such to bring thousands of souls to repentance, even as it has been given unto us to bring these our brethren to repentance.

This literally gives the formula to life.

Repentance + Faith + Good Works + Prayer = Successful life (know the mysteries of God)

That´s it guys. Have an evaluation of yourself daily in prayer. Repent sincerely, have faith that God will help you in all things, and serve others. Serving other does not always mean weeding your neighbor´s garden; it also means sharing the gospel with people, because you´re literally giving them the opportunity to live with God and their families for eternity. That´s the best kind of service. Seriously. Use this formula. Study the scriptures and pray with fervor and it will all be okay. Btw this formula is the first thing that our new President passed to us. He´s great. 

But anyway, I love and miss you all, but I may love missionary work more. I know Jesus Christ is our Savior, and that we are able to be happy even during trials and difficulties. Remember that you are loved. REPENT AND HAVE FAITH AND DO YOUR PART!!! And also write me emails I think that also helps your eternal salvation as well. 

Love y´all! BOA SEMANA!!

Sister Evans

Baptism of 2 Haitian women- Nazaire & Samie
Sugar cane juice w/lime
9 months! HaHa
Our District Leader finished his misision…meaning he dies, and we killed him
Baptism of Manoel (the short one)
Sister Moano LOL
I did my nails because I’m so fancy


9 Months

9 Months

Well, I’m officially halfway through my mission. It´s super weird to think about. It´s going so fast. I am truly grateful to be a missionary here in Brazil. I have learned so much about trusting in the lord, about my potential as a missionary and as a person. I know that this is the true church of Jesus Christ and that nothing can stop the work. I don´t have much time, sorry, but I love and miss you all. 

Sister Evans

Roasting the big marshmallows from her package for…
Eden church
It’s Independence Day! 4th of July in the United States of America




 I miss SpongeBob. A lot. 

And also that time flies. I will have 9 months next week and I don´t know what to think. Halfway?? How did that even happen? Next week I’ll tell yáll bout what I’ve learned so far on the mish. 

Buuuut, this week was okay… we worked hard but only 2 people went to church, and no one was baptized. I sat there thinking during sacrament about what we missed, and I felt that the only thing impeding our success is our diligence in obedience. I honestly had started to think that just working hard would give fruits, but boy was I wrong. We are doing really well with working with members, knocking doors, talking to everyone, but it´s the little things, like leaving the house a couple minutes late, or staying in the member´s houses a couple minutes over the hour, little things that impede the blessings of the lord. Sunday afternoon, we made a goal and a promise with the Lord to be exactly obedient, and guess what? Adam and Aline (who cut us last Sunday) had the answer they were waiting for. Adam had dream about the church, and several members, and the missionaries. And now, he knows it´s all true, and we will be working with them again this week to be baptized as soon as possible. I see this as a blessing from the Lord from just making the commitment. If this is the reward for just making the promise, imagine the reward when we fulfill the promise!!!! I am filled with gratitude for the Lord, and am very humbled. This is His work, not mine, and if I want to have success, I have to play by His rules, which works out great because He made the game, and knows how to win. 

We can apply this outside the mission field as well. We need to do the little things that he asks of us. Daily scripture study, daily prayer, go to church every Sunday, serve others, little things. Look for opportunities to be better every day. He already knows how to do everything, and the outcome of any choice you make, so just go to him and he´ll guide you along the way, to have the best ending possible. He´ll always give you guidance, because you are his child and He loves you deeply. Don´t abandon Him, because He will never abandon you. 

Hope you´re all doing well, love and pray for you!!! Boa semana!!!!!

Love, Sister Evans 

p.s. I forgot my camera so pics next week! Sorry!

Sister Evans

Church in Eden